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Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the most widely used formulas in the health world and is used to evaluate body weight. An individual's BMI provides a general aproximation of someone's body weight by taking into account the height and body weight of an individual. The result from the formula falls in a certain range which then indicate what weight group you belong to. Below, is a diagram that displays the four different weight groups and the BMI range that applies to each. But first, let's take a look at the BMI equation!

BMI= weight (kg)/height^2(m^2)           metric units


BMI= 703 X weight (lbs)/height^2 (inch^2)           american units


      Although BMI is not always accurate due to different body types and weight distribution, an individuals BMI almost always places him or her in the weight group that they belong. If people could take the time to memorize one of the BMI formulas listed above, people could have the ability to evaluate their weight status which could enable them to stay on track with maintaining a healthy diet and routine day to day. Obesity is a pressing issue in the United states and if today's youth could use this data to set the goal of staying within the healthy weight range or close to it starting at a young age, it could have a great influence in diminishing the obesity rate.

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